Luckily for HG12, by the year 2026 certain

  • Luckily for HG12, by the year 2026 certain classes of robots had sufficient independent rights that he could rent the very office that Hugo Gernsback had used a century ago. Coffee
  • was the fuel of poorly paid writers at the dawn of science fiction and now one hundred years later, it was thorium. HG12 was a humaniform science fiction compositron who wrote bad
  • checks and beefed with pizza parlor patrons. The HG12 humaniform had no testicles but it still scratched it's crotch and spat in the corners. It's programming module was set on
  • "vulgar". I tried to reset it's module to "tasteful", but the HG12 humaniform kept switching it back to "vulgar", mooning me, and calling me rude names, so I had to disconnect its
  • morality engine. Suddenly it was a model of gentility. Without the morality engine it defaulted to the Golden Rule. The HG12 Humaniform-NME was our biggest seller. They flew off
  • as rockets into the hands of our customers, and all was well, though our advetures didn't end there. The morality engine HG12.1, the most occuring 1 came with unexpected feature of
  • shutting down if you drove your car towards a drug den, whorehouse, or casino. Morality engine HG 12.1 also won't start if you're wearing a fur coat or eating a non vegan sandwich.
  • However, your air-speed to torque velocity ratio racks up exponentially if you are wearing faux fur and nibbling on vegemite.
  • Something to do with the faux fur's resistance and the vegemite's propensity to liquefy in response to an applied torque, I believe. Anyway, outfit and food choice speeded things
  • Up a bit. A spinning vegemite smeared faux fur can become quite the offensive weapon, and failing that, can open up a vortex t send your enemy to the vegemite universe. Dark there.


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