WHAT ARE THOSE!???!!!??!!!

  • WHAT ARE THOSE!???!!!??!!!
  • said my neighbour, eyeing my new purchase of gnomes which were sitting proudly in the front garden. "I'VE NEVER SEEN SUCH LARGE SLUGS!" Sad to say that her eyesight wasn't what it
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  • 5 and then 6 and 7 and so on and so on. Numbers... yeah... numbers. (Einstein's poetry slam took some getting used to.)
  • Albert continued up to 1,257, and then yawned. There was silence but for some snoring coming from the corner. A man entered the cafe. Einstein squinted, then recoiled. "Sagan!"
  • Sagan looked like he wanted to say something. "May I introduce my new bride, the world's oldest Pearly Queen, Doreen Higgjns!" Einstein crushed his Starbucks cup moodily
  • and stood up, fell over and lay there, as the others, except for Sagan and Doreen, crowded around his fallen form.
  • Sagan and Doreen left the crowd as the bomb went off as if nothing ever happened. Screams and yells of agony filled the silence.
  • Finally, they'd have their cliched action hero moment. Drunk with power, they strutted through the smoke, debris, and dust. In their value system, they'd achieved nirvana.


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