The teacher came in the room. He was new.

  • The teacher came in the room. He was new. The seventh graders sat quietly. He wrote his name on the board. He said, proudly, "My name is Mr. Sandercock."
  • Giggles. Johnny blurted "Ha Ha, you said cock." Mr. Sandercock was used to it, and prepared. He walked over to Johnny's desk, grabbed him by the shirt, and whipped out
  • a wiffle bat. Johnny's eyes were wide and staring and his chin was beginning to quiver. But before Mr. Sandercock could strike
  • the schools disciplinary umpire yelled. "ball!" Mr. Sandercock was "walked" & sent to the teacher's lounge renamed "The dugout". Since CA schools adopted "three strikes your out",
  • & the Queen's English was used in Canada instead of regular English, the "3 Strikes You're Out" teaching method was misinterpreted & enforced like baseball. Kids would get a strike
  • for writing labour without a 'u'. After about three mistakes, they'd get kicked to the curb, sent to America. Now, this may seem like an unusual punishment but in Canada,
  • anything goes, as long as thick slice bacon & maple syrup is involved. In this particular case, maple syrup served as the lubricant, while the bacon represented the doctor's bill.
  • The fried egg was my desire to be well. The toast was a tasty reminder of our mortality, the HP Sauce a bittersweet momento of regrets. The black pudding showed the existential
  • but all this food was just food even though I could see meaning in every little thing that was presented to me. No one else could see it but my desire to love life granted me this
  • temporary delusion, a tasty respite from reality, and I ate all of the provided snacks as if I hadn't eaten since the dawn of Carl's Jr. -- Anon. Folder, Boulder, CO, Jan 1, 2014.


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