She touched the knot behind her ear and rubbed

  • She touched the knot behind her ear and rubbed them. They ached from the strain of the week's stresses. After a moment, a tiny door opened beneath her fingers and her eyes glowed
  • They were gable doors, the bottom half was open, the top half was closed. The little yuppies inhabiting her head had ordered them special from tiny head dwelling Amish. But
  • the pink & baby blue swastikas she had painted on the gable doors was NOT the way her head-dwelling Amish craftsmen had intended them. Two of them, Samuel & Aidan, began prodding
  • her with a sharp stick made out of cheese, which felt better than expected. She didn't know whether to cry out in shock or to moan in pleasure. In the end, she chose to
  • play canasta with her girlfriends. It was a girls' night out night after all, and she had prior commitments. Except now, she had a free cheese tray to bring to the card game.
  • Safeway had overstocked Colby Jack, Muenster, and Brie, and were handing out the surplus cheese trays to anyone who came in wearing pants. That was why it was so awkward
  • for me. I really wanted a free tray of Colby Jack for my cocktail party, but on this particular day, I was pantless and thus, my request was invalid. Curse my dirty laundry!
  • Doing the wash would have been a Gouda idea, but I had Cheetos and I wanted to Edam. I was feeling Bleu, and when that happens my conversation gets Stilton. Swiss
  • Miss that's good cocoa! I sucked down another before I left. Next thing I knew, I was hiding behind an old abandoned factory,
  • My life, I thought, has onl just begun. If I can have days like this everyday, why worry? I sat down beside the bins, and smiled.


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