
  • asdasdasd
  • I couldn't believe it and I tried twice.
  • Then I tried it a third time and discovered my third eye was wired open and all types of forbidden knowledge was being poured into it. Occult tomes of dead names, cabala, mystical
  • creatures unknown to man, then I was sucked into a dark room. I hear a loud groaning coming from the other side. I inched closer, then something came looming out of the dark! A big
  • loud knock on the door and I was awake, no longer concerned with what was looming out of the dark. Still I paused to shake the feeling off. Action was what I needed. I strode into
  • to the lightswitch, flipping the switch. yellow light warmed the room, pushing back whatever lied in the darkness. the loud kocking continued, "shit the door" sleepily i stumbled
  • and there she was, my beloved. One look at her and i knew that something was utterly wrong. Such a beautiful face but tears in her eyes.
  • My body couldn't help but begin to react. Before I said anything, my knees became weak and blood pumped through my veins faster than before.
  • Astral Projection took over, and my Physical Exsistence went limp for a bit, during that time the World Collapsed, an dmy Body walked toward the light, there was nothing to gain.
  • Escaping this hellish place, I reached for the light and as it engulfed me, I felt my existence fading, merging with heavenly glow around me. After all, I was finally free.


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