"Why I write Folding Story:" I write Folding

  • "Why I write Folding Story:" I write Folding Story because there's no more Thilo Savage to read and I don't know how to publish the 4-5 books I've already written. Also depression.
  • Somehow writing on Folding Story, well, it sort of delays my depression. Nothing in my life is really fixed or changed. But while I'm writing on Folding Story I don't seem to
  • be constrained by the mundane drudgery of my cubicle hamster cage existence. I am flying with cleavage monkeys, bashing zombie grandmas, an astute corsair of the Wordverse. Folding
  • time; folding space; folding the very fabric of the time/space continuum. These things were nothing compared to the power of folding stories. I wrapped my cloak tighter and plunged
  • my finger into the light socket. The ensuing shock was enough to fully power up my mechanical exosuit, and the surge breakers stopped the electricity from harming me. I stood up
  • & switched on the exosuit's night vision, the surge having blacked out the entire building. I could hear the short screams and murmuring of confused office workers in the dark, and
  • he armed the mechs anti-personell devices. In the darkness, he moved swiftly past the snack room to accounting. That's where they would strike. The sprinkers kicked in. It started.
  • And quickly ended. Wacky Watergun Wednesdays was a colossal failure- who knew filling an office of IT nerds with personally modified water cannons and trebuchet balloon launchers
  • would turn out in trip to the local pub. Each person had 4 or 5 drinks, and after that they were made completely useless. So then they went by the liquor store and thats where
  • they became extremely drunk, but being drunk was their secret power. When they were all drunk they could save mankind. Which they have done before, they just couldn't remember it.


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