So I started to leave the room, when Vinnie

  • So I started to leave the room, when Vinnie goes "Does the pope shit in the woods?" and chuckles. I just kept walking. He comes up with weirdest shit after a night of booze and
  • an office depot spending spree. But when Vinnie makes jokes about the pope, I have to fight back my urge to tell him that I am Jesus, and that shit ain't funny. The problem is
  • people don't really believe, man. Their faith isn't what it used to be. I mean I used to be able to walk into any bar in America and turn that shit into wine and people would
  • go straight apostle up in there and join my crew," said Black Jesus. "Man, I wish an angel would come and show me some doper magic tricks." God sent Chris Angel. BJ wept.
  • when he realized Chris Angel was supposed to take his place as God's favourite. Disappointed he was when finding out that even God discriminates on colour, Black Jesus decided to
  • contact Yoda through Uri Geller as a medium.Uri voiced "Wisdom do you seek? Criss Angel,a fraud he is. Born with a plastic spoon in his mouth." Black Jesus was ashamed of his occul
  • t affiliation, but he hadn't expected the magicians' dark powers to come from a galaxy far, far away. He sought out Odie-Wan Kenobe, who was strong in the force but drooled a bit.
  • "Nuke, I am your father" were Odie-Wan Kenobe's first words, quoting Oppenheimer in the Trinity. But Nuke couldn't hear him well through the intense drooling. It sounded more like
  • he'd said "Duke Nukem got 'em", so the boy figured all was well and just went about his business, blissfully unaware that Darth Elevator was approaching from behind. Then he
  • heard Admiral Gial Akbar scream, "It's a trap!" He whipped around just in time to push Darth Elevator's buttons, closing the door on their relationship forever.


  1. SlimWhitman Aug 28 2013 @ 12:02

    Funny how this warps into StarWars. Maybe there is a bit of christian theology in the original Star Wars trilogy. http://foldingstory.com/wnsdy/ http://foldingstory.com/jxzd5/ http://foldingstory.com/dzsmq/

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