Although almost in their 70's, The Rolling

  • Although almost in their 70's, The Rolling Stones remain one of the most loved Rock n Roll bands. The secret of their longevity is tied to the fact
  • Mick Jagger was a Disney fan. In the 80s, he bought the animatronics from The Hall of Presidents. This allowed him to party with David Bowie while Abe Lincoln in a wig did a set.
  • But the joke was on Mick Jagger. While he was dancing with animatronic Abe Lincoln, Mick noticed dry skin on his elbow. When he scratched it, it peeled back revealing a complex
  • cluster of cells shaped like top hats. "The infection has spread to you, Mick," said Lincoln's dehumanized, yet tenderly honest voice. At The Stones' next gig, Mick sprouted facial
  • features on his shoulder allowing him to sing both lead and backup on Wild Horses. They could finally get rid of Keith Richards! Backstage, Jagger stabbed Richards repeatedly but
  • as Jagger later revealed in GQ, “it was a bit like stabbin' beef jerky. I mean, just looka that face! The bloody blade bent and broke off." He tried poisoning Richards, but
  • unfortunately, Richards had become immune thanks to excessive quantities of a wide variety of drugs. So after Jagger had laced his ice-teas with vast amounts of cyanide,
  • his husband Simmons sipped away and only had a touch of flu. Jagger knew he'd need stronger stuff. Or maybe poison wasn't it. He'd heard arsenic used to be in cookies, but would it
  • make a difference in his riffs? Maybe. Still (as usual) he couldn't get no satisfaction. "I'll take chocolate chip," he replied to Simmons. "And don't breathe on it. I haven't
  • had my booster shots."


  1. SlimWhitman Oct 19 2012 @ 16:57

    Wow - really gritty rock'n'roll story. Great restraint on the ending Goldenshellz - it's perfect.

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