"First, you're gonna want to macerate your

  • "First, you're gonna want to macerate your berries thusly. Feel how soft they're getting? Now you can masticate them soo easily. Mmm." A mass debate in Bobby Flay's studio audience
  • ensued. They all decided to masticate their berries as one. Thusly, the largest arrest for mass indecent exposure on a live cookery programme ever occurred. Bobby Flay was arrested
  • but on a surcharge of taunting his ex well a year after they broke up. Seriously, who the hell does that? The cookery programme industry was in turmoil over the indecency scandal.
  • How could the US government allow such a culinary indecency as the double down? His ex and he had
  • tried the so called "doble down" before and were quite good at it.They were now the official instructors in kitchens all over the US.Getting the spoon to fit was the hardest part,
  • but they solved that by tripling up the double down, flipping it, reversing the bun, dunking it all in batter & freezing it overnight. It was then balanced on a single shallot, for
  • Visual effects. Lancelot the filmmaker got it on film before it blew up into 2,463,534 pieces. The. Accidental coffeemaker experiment had been a disaster waiting to happen, I said.
  • you can't mix old lava beans with new french roasted guano beans they become an explosive goo that after destroy and coffeemaker in pieces sticks to your everything. I was a mess &
  • almost gave up hope until I noticed that my once empty ceramic sombrero was now filled with bean dip! And I still had tortilla chips! So remember folks, when life gives you
  • The Tacos of the Apocalypse slather them with lots and lots of guacamole. It won't stop the Apocalypse but at least you won't die hungry. Who knows how long before you eat again?


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