He had to get the boy to the coast. To keep

  • He had to get the boy to the coast. To keep the torch lit, the torch inside. He pushed his son along deserted highways in a broken ice cream vending cart. They never ate dessert.
  • Over the following weeks hope faded. They passed not a single soul. Cows regarded them with real interest as the walked slowly along the empty byways, but no people emerged.
  • Zack and Loran were losing their minds. Not a surprise, if it's to be recalled that they saw their parents exploded to pieces right before their eyes. And they're just children.
  • The display was grotesque. Scattered brains and splattered intestines everywhere. It was definitely a sight filled with horror; one they'd never forget.
  • "But enough about my weekend!" chortled Jenny, "how's the new job going?" "I got sacked," muttered Dulcie, "my boss didn't mind one ferret but she gave birth & her maternal aggress
  • ion kicked in & she attacked my cubicle mate Clarice's mamba. That wasn't the worst. My ferret fed the gerbils running the copier to her young. The boss is an animal lover but
  • I, being raised in the circus by my clown parents, had a good sense of humor & a way with pets. After that slight mishap with my ferret at the office, though, my boss was pretty
  • unforgiving. The ferret had been in his cage, I swore to my boss, but he just wasn't buying it. He said, "Why don't you just go back to the circus," where I'd be better off, and I
  • was struck by just how incomprehensible my boss was. Circus? What the hell does that mean? Ferret or no ferret, I'm not taking this guff, so I fought back, "Yeah, well why don't yo
  • u go jump in a lake!" It was lame,real lame, but it was the best I could do under the circumstances. My boss thought it was funny though,so he invited me to go with him. Twas nice.


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