Listen up Tony. Rule #1 of ABC construction.

  • Listen up Tony. Rule #1 of ABC construction. Start the noisiest work of the day at 6 am sharp so people know you arrived at work. Tony eagerly put on his ear protection
  • and revved up his Bosch Brute Electric Jackhammer to announce his 6 am arrival on the scene. Tony exclaimed as he threw the big brute carelessly aside , "Oh crap, I forgot to
  • turn off the coffee-maker at home!" Tony lay down his big 'ol jackhammer at the construction site & zipped away in his truck. Meanwhile, Little Jimmy was walking by on his way to s
  • chool when he realized what his true passion was. It was in the air, like electricity sparking and sending shivers through little Jimmy's body. It was breakfast sausage. Since that
  • moment, Little Jimmy dedicated his life to making breakfast sausage for wealthy magistrates. When they asked him about ingredients, he replied, "LITTLE MEAT AND LOTTA LOVE."
  • Indeed he used homemade blueberry sausage. The eggs were from the hens in the back yard. Those were happy hens if I ever saw any. They were cage free and grass fed. Duke Reid was
  • in search of the Duchess of Earl because he had heard that she was a freaky little wench who was free with the sauce of the gimlets where big enough for succor. The biscuits left o
  • -ut on the windowsill to cool were eaten by Dumfries, the village idiot, who swore that they had fallen off and he had found them on the ground. He was sentenced to death by
  • Condescension. Thus, on this 3rd Tuesday of the Year 2309 at exactly 5:35 PM Sir Dumfries the Dimwitted will come to his most pitiable public and humiliating end. Let insults fly!
  • But none did. Incredibly, everyone became overcome with solemn. Dumfries the Dimwitted will be missed. He may not have served any useful purpose, but he existed and that is noted.


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