Henry Feline had an odd name. I'll mention

  • Henry Feline had an odd name. I'll mention that, because if I don't, it will be the Elephant in the room. Everyone else was playing with a tennis racket and Henry had a salmon.
  • Even while frozen it made for a terrible tennis racket despite Henry often rushing the net while I covered the back court but I have to admit the salmon was tenderized.Henry Feline
  • always had the best fish. "You always have the best fish, Henry," I said. "I know," Henry replied. "It's a gift. No, literally. My friend in Montana sent it to me." I was stunned.
  • Then Henry went over to a wooden structure and pulled out a rectangular object with strange markings on it. He called it something like "buck" and said it gave him ideas about fish
  • . And lo, Henry placed the rectangular object (with strange markings (now called "buck")) on his head and he could perceive the secret language of fishes. They foretold to Henry
  • that there would be a great uprising in the sea world, where all the fish would come on to the land and wreak havoc. "Why are you so angry?" Henry asked the fish, his hat lopsided.
  • "Because of your stupid lopsided hat," the fish retorted. "Seriously, you're a walking fashion disaster. Something has to be done." Henry gaped at the fish indignantly.
  • "Stop gaping, you look like a fish", said the fish. "You need to deep five the stupid lopsided hat if you want any trim", confided the fish to Henry. Henry was about to object when
  • something unexpected happened. The apocalypse? No. Neither Henry nor the fish had any reason to expect an apocalypse. Then what was it? Sudden rumbling and groaning filled the air.
  • It was Henry's stomach that was grumbling. He asked the fish for some antacid, but the fish was gone. Henry's lips were covered in fish scales. "O God, what have I done?" he said.


  1. Woab Apr 17 2018 @ 16:44

    I had no idea that fish could be so critical of fashion.

  2. LordVacuity Apr 17 2018 @ 18:58

    It is all that travelling around in schools.

  3. SlimWhitman Apr 18 2018 @ 17:48

    ... and pursing of lips.

  4. LordVacuity Apr 18 2018 @ 20:16

    That is why fishbowls are cruel and unusual torture. Those curtains again. Same errant dining room chair with a hatbox on it. Same close look of the back of a picture frame. That is the first interesting thing today. What kind of picture is in that frame?

  5. Wurm Apr 18 2018 @ 22:03

    Woab...OMG...how abrupt! And, tell me, does Henry ever get the antacid? Or must he regurgitate the fish's undigested flesh and bones?

  6. Woab Apr 19 2018 @ 12:00

    Good question, DasaniLife. Maybe it was the fish grumbling in Henry's stomach. No-one asked him if he wanted to be eaten. Eventually the grumbling stopped and Henry took a nap and forgot about the whole ordeal.

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