The men in white painter overalls pulled

  • The men in white painter overalls pulled on smurf masks & entered the jewelry store. A woman in a smurfette mask yelled. "Everyone on the floor. This is a smurf up!" & brandished
  • that blue pride that always made Smurf's impossible to get close to. Smurfette slapped the jeweler. "Put all the gold in the bag." Vanity wasn't watching the door because
  • She was putting on makeup. It took her three hours. Smurfette said, " You look great!" The minions were getting hungry and the karma police arrested them. Just 22 days until
  • the bomb would explode. Better to be beautiful when it explodes than not I guess. Smurfette knew that the bomb would kill the minions so she had to free them. But how?
  • As she put on her mascara she considered the minions. They were surely replacable, her friend Willy had been murdering Oompa Loompas for years and just replacing them with new
  • midgets with fake tans. Sure, they lack the skill the originals had, but tourists these days only care about appearance. They could lip sync for all the guests care. On the other
  • foot, the trash can remained stuck. The smaller people contacted a Cleaner named Abyss LeBiche to keep the place tidy. Too many of their clients were disappearing. "Abyss took them
  • to the cleaners" was the word upon the street, so people stopped doing business with Abyss and just let their homed get dirtier and dirtier. Meanwhile, the large person with the
  • Curly hair and the rolling pin of retribution declared the townsfolk should build her a castle out of their uncollected debris. They humoured her, then shoved her head in an oven.
  • Her laughter rang sharply from the oven's walls. "Thank you, my people." She stood, and her smoldering head said, "I knew I could count on you, and now you are forever mine."


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