I slid down the zipline which was high above

  • I slid down the zipline which was high above the sea of lava. There were creepers everywhere. There was no way out. I was trapped. I jolted awake. I was trembling with fear from
  • the creepers . I thought they would harm me. But the creepers that looked scary was really nice. They was swiming with me an they mad me happy.
  • Mad me happy they did over and over and over again. I was innocent one moment and then mad happy the next. My world literally changed. One moment in Prime, the next in Palooka.
  • I'm sure I had played Palooka before as Jeremy Czerny and thought I knew my way around, but the game shop and the Mad Witch's house were gone, and the library in the grove
  • was now a fingerless Basket Lady asking me to carry her across 5th Avenue and into Central Park. I ignored her and continued on until I found Palooka's Bar & Grill. There I found
  • a sale for cyborg parts. The Basket Lady was going to need some. As I swiped a platinum hand from the nearest shelf, I saw her approach me. "Is this sci-fi?" Basket Lady asked.
  • "No, this is complete fabrication," I lied. Basket Lady tried to scream but I clamped the platinum hand over her mouth and hustled her towards the exit, explaining to the clerk
  • that we only came out to buy baked-beans. As we were chased down the street by the clerk, who was in fact a toad, we ended up coming face-to-face with
  • Mrs. Clark, who was carrying a big package of dried mushrooms. Her bag had split and she struggled to get them back in the package. We had a spare bag and jumped into her car as
  • it started to roll backwards down the steep driveway. Mrs. Clark was so preoccupied with her mushrooms that she forgot to put it in park. It was a close call but we made it.


  1. BlastedHeath Dec 06 2016 @ 20:50

    RE: "No, this is complete fabrication," I lied. HAHAHAHAHA

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