Folding story needed advertisements, both

  • Folding story needed advertisements, both for it, and also on its site, so more people would play, and so the revenue could support it.
  • I had been hired by FoldingStory to be their spokesman. They sent me to several conventions but it was an absolute disaster, I kept responding to questions with glib gibberish.
  • I began to wonder whether this was a story at all, or some sort of blog entry. "Where am I?" , "what's going on?!" I shouted. A soft voice spoke, "This place is the manifestation
  • of your dreams.You had hoped one day you would have a reason to live, and now you do.You can bring joy to the world by filling this space with amusing
  • balloon animals. The art of creating balloon animals was a dead one. It needed to be revived. One day people would learn that it was an art that required patience and
  • Very short fingernails. For the longest time I tried to master the balloon-giraffe-flower hat. It never worked, it was giraffe part that always threw me off, how do clowns do it?
  • I was sure that the abominable snowman would know. After all it was he who first mastered the art with an army of fresh herb people at his beck and call. What was a clown expected
  • to understand in this. Certainly he knew the herb business. Little known fact about carnies is their integral role in the medical marijuana legalization movement. All of the money
  • was laundered through a "Big Tent" organization to provide enough monetary velocity for all the shareholders to inhale a nice profit. As for the toking cancer patients themselves,
  • every 8 seconds a patient would die. The market was controlled by just a few multi-national conglomerates which were defeated in a denial of service attack by Anonymous.


  1. jaw2ek Dec 29 2012 @ 01:33

    I used to share some FoldingStories, but none of my friends seemed interested. Still fun.

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