He is my battle buddy helping seniors understand

  • He is my battle buddy helping seniors understand and use technology.
  • Since most seniors are bed-ridden, my partner and I decided to contract them out as drone pilots on the Pakistan border. "Gray-Ops" is what we called them. On their 1st mission,
  • Grandpa Morty took a 45 minute bathroom break and his drone crashed into a sand dune. Gray-Ops Grandma Marge decided that the Pakistanis were too thin and flew her drone
  • to the Burger King in Karachi & made a drop off. Grandma Eunice, not to be outdone, sent a supply of wool mittens & school books with her Drone. The Pakistanis began to look on the
  • mittens with a kind of lust--not a sexual lust, mind you, but a bloodlust. Oh, if only Granny Eunice had noticed the Islamic influence was not in McD's after all, but the big BK!
  • A whopper arrived at the table, saying, "Here I am, eat me!". Granny Eunice was surprised and did mot get the joke. Others did, thankfully, as Weird Al Yankovic watched, smiling.
  • I had always suspected Granny Eunice was deficient in the field of humor but seeing her remain aloof in the face of this bald face whopper was more than I could take. I surprised
  • both of us by inviting her out for dinner. Eunice happily said yes. "On one condition: I need to be back home before dark. I'm not driving myself these days, but that's when
  • I turn into a bat," Eunice informed me. Now I understood why the hickeys she had given me had taken so long to heal. But that was fine, I like to wear flamboyant cravats.
  • I like being a bat though. This meant I could now fly and spy into her window at night without her knowing!


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