waka flocka wayne deer

  • waka flocka wayne deer
  • was walking down the street. walka texas ranger. luke sky walka WALKAAA!!
  • shouted the texas ranger, in the same manner as that guy from 300 who shouted SPARTAAA! only without the 'this is' part.
  • He shouted this phrase about thirty times more until his voice became hoarse and his throat was dry. So he called upon the god of water and made it pour rain in order to
  • get a glass of cool, delicious rainwater. Unfortunately, he forgot to bring a glass, and had to make due with what he had on hand; searching his pockets, he
  • cut himself on the stiletto he'd negotiated from a hungover Mexican newspaper man in Tijuana. His hand bled all over his Old Navy sports jacket. This was really turning into a
  • n awesome party! A group of cabaret girls appeared from stage left and waggled their gams to great appreciation. A mariachi band the size of a symphony orchestra played
  • "Begin the Beguine" as the aspiring Rockettes swayed gracefully and seductively on the stage, the bright lights glittering from their scantily-clad forms
  • Rick traced letters on the bar from the condensation of his beer. His Americano Cafe was soon to be replaced by a Hooters. Sam had already left for the states. Casablanca was gone.
  • But he had no regrets. He had done the right thing. Rick got up and walked out of the bar forever and disappeared, as memories of "As Times Goes By" echoed through the foggy night.


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