"Are you kidding? The shoes that look like

  • "Are you kidding? The shoes that look like hobbit feet were bad enough, but this! You've no idea what fires you are playing with" Jackson was furious, but the merchandising people
  • were adamant in their claims. Jackson brought his shoe designs to merchandisers all over the world, but none reveled in the beauty of his designs; oh, they should fall at his feet!
  • and as the basketball player sat there daydreaming about his shoes, suddenly Bugs Bunny showed up. "Eh, What's up D
  • ouchebag?" Completely ignoring the insult, the sportstars eyes literally popped out of their sockets. He stood up and pointed at the cartoon rabbit. "I KNEW YOU WERE REAL!! I KNEW
  • but Bugs Bunny stopped him. "What's up doc?" Bugs was dressed as a woman of course. The Sportstars felt confused, strange. They knew Bugs was a male rabbit but the red lipstick
  • stated otherwise. Maybe it was a facade all along, who knew. All they knew was that Bugs Bunny was, indeed, now a crossdresser.
  • The Warner brothers knew they had a "situation" with Bugs. Parents would not understand his crossdressing, although kids might like it. Elmer Fudd had a good suggestion, though.
  • From Tuesday Bugs would host a celebrity makeover show. Porky signed up straight away. Porky had always been shy with the ladies and his stutter didn't help. Porky had been reject
  • ing pretty porcine piglets with regularity ever since his makeover. Porky was all that and a bag of chips. He started dating Playpig models and gained a reputation for
  • the staccato vibrations his incessant stutter would cause. That was when Phil finally vowed, unbelievable or not, these Playpig "Letters to the Editor" weren't to be read sober.


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