"...Finally, I wish to express my deepest

  • "...Finally, I wish to express my deepest regret for every fold I ever submitted which was inane, disruptive, ill-conceived, or obscene. This concludes my last will and testament."
  • I suppose this made sense, as that fold ended with my possessions being blasted into space by fictional characters, and dung beetles being served at my funeral. The apology ended
  • our dispute & we went back to being friends with benefits again. I felt more relieved than I expected, realizing that my FoldingStory friends were the only friends I ever had.
  • Foldingstory friends turned your worst nightmares into riproaring good fun. They'll do 90% of the work and ask only that you liked them in return. A foldingstory friend enables you
  • to survive your exile on the planet of the crazy people, when the offworlders ignore your distress calls and the bus to utopia never comes. Foldingstory friends know how to
  • broadcast emergency instructions. If you are reading this, help is on the way. Shut the shades, prop the door knob with a chair, and listen for the honk of the bus to Utopia.
  • Bring your pets. However, no luggage is allowed on the bus. All your needs - food, deodorant, white tunics etc. will be provided. But be prepared for disappointment. Utopia isn't
  • all it's cracked up to be." I grabbed my miniature poodle and waited for the shuttle to take us to Eden. The airport was so clean and ordered, but it felt dead--like a prison. When
  • I arrived at the airport, a man wearing a suite ushered me into a dark room. He said "Listen here son, you can't be carrying
  • those m&ms on to the plane i'm going to have to take them. As i boarded the plane i looked back to see the man smirking as he ate the rest of my m&ms.


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