Vary your routes going to and from work.

  • Vary your routes going to and from work. That was the advice given to me by
  • Bugs Bunny, who is a renowned character in fiction. He likes to eat carrots. Personally, who cares about carrots? It's all about the
  • potatoes really, who can imagine life without them? Such a versatile vegetable... and it was just when considering this that I got the idea. It was easy, I could just
  • slap facial hair, a bowler, a cigar and BAM! Instant riches. Potatoes are awesome. Then I could license the potato and get royalties from Toy Story 3, and with the money I could
  • get rid of that pesky facial hair. Potato head dolls filled with cocaine might just make it past
  • the guy festooned with all the medals, but not the woman with the crazy eyes. It wasn't so much her lack of clothing that bothered them. It was the fact that you could just tell
  • they were absolutely naked in her sight, the medals be damned. They wanted to run, but her eyes held them. As she raised her hand, he spoke from behind her. They knew
  • he was the king to her queen. She could destroy them with a thought, but only he could bring down their empire. He was old and slow, but his caustic words disintegrated their will
  • like moss beneath a razor. The walls were not a challenge. Time alone could rot their mortar. His concern was the people and it was on them that he brought to bear his
  • signature Italian Style tomato puree. The aliens could eliminate cosmetic production, but a little sauce on the cheeks gives anyone a rosy glow. Women cheered! And some men, too!


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