Cindy Lynn had the deluxe Beverly Hills superstar

  • Cindy Lynn had the deluxe Beverly Hills superstar mansion with pool cabanas and helicopter pad. But she didn't have the helicopter. Anna Marie did. Luckily, the Fairness Fairy saw
  • this and made sure Anna Marie died with her family in a freak helicopter accident. But Cindy Lynn was still disatisfied. Sipping an umbrella'd drink by her Beverly Hills pool, she
  • consulted with the Fairness Fairy about other matters."I want you to do something about Shakira on The Voice." said Cindy Lynn. "It's not fair that she gets to sit by Usher & Adam
  • who have been paying me kickbacks for years. I am so frustrated that everytime I try to bribe Shakira on The Voice I am ignored." Cindy Lynn was determined to tell everyone her
  • bank account number and ATM card pin. "Secrecy is a form of lying!" she cried before passing out on the dance floor. Bobbo looked upon her fallen form, feeling nothing. The cold
  • Bobbo was heartless like a Hyena in heat. Bobbo snapped his fingers because inspiration had just filled his empty chest like mustard gas. He would tell her nothing, or everything
  • would be backwards. Hah! Bobbo thought and smiled like a man who knows something the interrogator doesn't. She won't get the information from me anytime soon. In fact, Bobbo was so
  • confident in his own abilities that he calmly stated, "If you still feel like you can't trust me, you could always use the truth serum I've made in my lab." She stared at Bobbo.
  • Shakespeare was writing "The Tempest" whilst overhearing this conversation and invented the phrase, "brave new world". Aldous Huxley borrowed, centuries later. Bobbo was stunned.
  • Bobbo watched the phrase spread through the cultural landscape. Its origins in The Tempest had long been left behind, and Bobbo, who had never been credited, was forgotten.


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