'A jetsam enema' is an anagram for 'James

  • 'A jetsam enema' is an anagram for 'James Manatee'. Coincidentally, our detective sensed a terrorist paddleboat dumping excess nukes in Lake Baikal, and he was gonna flush 'em out.
  • Det. Manatee anagrammed paddleboat, got “baa odd pelt” and knew a strangely marked sheep would help him figure out exactly where the terrorists were dumping the excess nukes.
  • All he had to do now was find a strangely marked sheep. Det. Manatee therefore went where every detective goes for information; the yellow pages. Under 'sheep, strange,' he found
  • Ewe-r-Nuts, a mental institution of some kind. Manatee thought he was on the right tracks. He called, and a computerized sheep answered, "If you'd like to talk to an advisor
  • please bleat your request after the tone". Spectrum analysis of the sheep's voice revealed that it was manufactured by Tyrell Corp. Manatee realized Robots were beginning to dream
  • about giant carp. These carp would float in the ocean: dead, covered in oil, and fecal matter. These dreams started to manifest in real life too, causing a big rip in the universe
  • that couldn't be fixed. Suddenly you turn to Rodney McKay and plead him to fix it, but he talks about how smart he his. All those dead carps in the ocean, WHY MUST
  • Rodney McKay give this obnoxious lecture on his IQ test scores and Mensa when there are all these oily fresh water fish are dying in the ocean? I grabbed two dead carp and
  • bet Rodney that he couldn't even beat them in quiz bowl. "That's not fair," he whined, "it's two on one!" "It wouldn't be the first time you were tag teamed by animals," I mused.
  • "Yeah and it wouldn't be the last time you were gang banged by them," he shot back. The truth of that one stung, and though I gritted my teeth, I kept instead to the topic at hand:


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