In the horror film Spork the main character

  • In the horror film Spork the main character is chained to a metal pipe. A voice tells the character that if he spoons or forks his leg off he will be set free
  • . Spork nodded obediantly, but as soon as he sensed he was alone, he just yanked himself free, saved the village & got the girl.The End. "That movie sucked," Barney said, "Mayberry
  • looked like Lil Wayne fell into the sewer, crawled back out from someone's toilet, bumped his head because the seat was down, and then fell onto the bathroom floor. She was ugly.
  • But she was rich. Many a man married her thinking he could deal with her ghastly features because all the cars and vacations and stuff was worth it. They were all wrong. I was one
  • of the lucky ones who divorced her rich ass and lived to tell the tale. But my "half" haul included her self-portraits. They floated, as if possessed. Her wretched visage haunted
  • me everywhere I went. Once she sat me down for four hours under the guise that she was painting my portrait only to show me yet another of her own. Her cruelty was only matched
  • by the sabers of a rabid sloth-tiger. The brush strokes on the faces of her portraits were so violent that they could only have been made by sissors. At least she was creating
  • something of a reflection of how she felt, which was, up until this point, something she had gone at great lengths to hide. The pain caused by the accident still flowed vividly
  • through the storm shutters of her bunkered mind, startling resplendent pain flowers in the stricken alleyways of her flashes of the accident, none of which she hope showed as she
  • put on opaque tights and fur-lined boots. The pain flowers were manageable today so she opened the front door & started scraping the ice off the car windscreen to start a new day.


  1. BlastedHeath Jan 24 2014 @ 21:29

    I really liked bagdadbanger's post on this one.

  2. SlimWhitman Jan 25 2014 @ 16:41

    Yes, and its nice what you and lucielucie did with it.

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