It was surprisingly bland, I thought as I

  • It was surprisingly bland, I thought as I took my first tentative bite of human flesh. Steve had breathed his last only a week ago, but it seemed like he'd been gone forever.
  • As I slowly chewed the human flesh between my teeth, I felt Steve's essence vibrating inside. Could it be that consuming Steve would grant me the total force of his knowledge?
  • No, of course not, that's just stupid. Did any of you morons actually think that was possible? So anyway, it turned out that Steve just had a vibrator while I masticated his flesh.
  • But I only found out about the vibrator when I bit into Steve's delicious rump and it chipped my front teeth! How did I explain this to my health insurance? Well, you see...
  • I was giving the dog a bath. I was naked because I didn't want to get my clothes wet. My dog's back was real sore, so I got a "muscle massager" and it was wet, I slipped and
  • and landed on the dog's back. Doggie was not pleased about it cos he didn't like to have a bath and he didn't want the extra weight on his sore back. He shook himself and I fell
  • into the water dish. I had never learned to swim. My wings were wet and covered in the saliva that was floating in the drink. I panicked as I started to sink, luckily
  • my fanny pack was also an airbag. Unfortunately, the concussive force of the airbag shattered the ceramic bowl and I was sent sprawling into the tiny, wet shards.
  • Wet because of my blood. It was disgusting. I passed out.
  • I heard the soft sound of wind chimes as floated out of my body. Passing beyond the confines of earth, astrally touching the clouds, I got sucked into a turbo of an Boeing 787.


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