Miniaturized, we were separated by invisible

  • Miniaturized, we were separated by invisible labyrinthine barriers in a sword made of glass. What possible value could such an impractical weapon have? Accursed lesbesbian king!
  • Then there was an Invisible Labyrinthine David Bowie, who danced around with my kid brother, flinging him into the air, and with these really tight stirrup pants that made his
  • goblin kingdom remain a proud, independent nation for millennia. Since the Baby Brother Embargo of 1985, Feather-Haired Bowie's hand was forced. He had to provide for his goblins.
  • But the goblins were selfish, and they did not return Feather-Haired Bowie's favors. And this made Feather-Haired Bowie very sad. So Feather-Haired Bowie sat down on his bed and
  • counted his toes, which always calmed him in times of sorrow. He had counted all the way to 43 when Chunky-Faced Quarrel burst into the room, screaming "the goblins have taken
  • Mary Ellen!" Alex jerked out of his counting trance and said, "Son, get me my gun, we've some goblin chasin' to do." Chunky-Faces Quarrel was only seven. The last time he chased
  • goblins he ended up with a broken net and a heart full of shame. Why his father would want to take him goblin hunting again, he had no idea. But as they traversed the tundra,
  • he'd ambled ahead, his father's heavy footsteps a few yards behind him. "I know you ain't my son no longer." The tundra was instantly colder, as he stopped. "You's a goblin, and
  • I'm the son of a preacherman. Now GIT!" The boy stared, unbelieving. "I SAID GIT!" The boy turned & ran, like the icy wind, for miles & miles, crying a thousand tears...lost.
  • Finally the boy's last meal of muskox caught up with him. He broke wind and melted the ice. The ungrateful father was swept away in the ensuing waves. The son survived.


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