This is the story of how not only how I came

  • This is the story of how not only how I came to be in possession of a commodore 64, but also the events that made those computers so rare and desired in the first place.
  • "But first, allow me to plug Ocular Nutrition once again," said Paul Harvey. "And now... the rrrrRRREST... of the story. It was a frigid Westchester night in January of 1982.
  • But Paul Harvey was an agent of evil. He'd been summoned by a witch from Roman Antiquity. She'd used a smoked fetus and bear shit, and brought him straight from the underworld
  • I mean Waterworld taxi service. "Mah butt," Paul Harvey mumbled, meaning his boat, but nobody understood. Still, he set to work shooting horses in the kneecaps, explaining the four
  • Horsemen of the Apocalypse might appear at anytime, on any steed, so it was best to cripple every horse he came across. "Waterworld Taxi Service." Paul Harvey scowled. "That's the
  • Neptunus Equester. I'm not getting in this boat." But the director of 60 min was tired of Paul's cantankerous ways & ordered him to get on. Sure enough Horsemen of the Apocalypse
  • arrived as scheduled. Paul quickly got in the boat. "Row this damn boat!" Exclaimed Paul. "Oh, so NOW you like the boat," said the director. The 4 horseman quickly started to
  • row on their banana split boat down the Stream of Consciousness merrily because life was the director's dream. "Damn it, Paul! Row forth, 4 Horsemen!" the director demanded.
  • Paul was fed up. He boarded his banana boat, tooted its horn and chugged up a minor tributary of the stream of consciousness to a movie studio back lot where the director wasn't
  • such a pompous ass. Floating along, Paul decided his life had become far too complicated...and that's how he learned to stop worrying and love the bomb.


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