He couldn't believe it - all those years

  • He couldn't believe it - all those years of training and preparation, and he was defeated by some no-namer from Minneapolis? Somewhere in the distance, Rick Astley could be heard.
  • "Never Gonna Give You Up"? The irony was almost too much to bear. Frank had just lost the biggest match of his life - and Amber - to his bitter archrival, Blake Snodgrass.
  • He resigned to tear the snodgrass right out of Blake's skin -- and use it to build a posh grass hut in the countryside.
  • After his abode was featured in Better Homes and Garden's article 'Top 100 Uses For Skin-Grown Grass', gardening centers and nurseries were inundated with demands for human flesh.
  • Soon, gardeners became dangerous. Police reports were up about shear-carrying, over-all costumed gardeners driving around in white vans, not just trying to entice children, but
  • SHEAR THEIR FUCKING EARS OFF. Which is a shame, as it leaves the children with little or no way of hearing. To prevent these evil gardeners from doing this I created the
  • Mega Robo Sheep. It shot wooly lazers from it large mouth and blew the FUCkING EARS off of evil gardeners left and right!! However, some religious dude, (Homer), sacrificed it for
  • a box on Donuts and a beer. As soon as he sacrificed Robo Sheep, the prayed for items appeared which strengthened Homer's religious fervor. Surely they were kosher?
  • They had to be Kosher - what Jew in their right mind wouldn't eat a juicy, beer-soaked cheeseburger with Krispy Kreme buns? Then Homer remembered he wasn't Jewish, so whatever.
  • Mama Luigi join'd. Then all have a fight. I join and get pwned. Thinking about it makes me a fool, so this fold ends now.


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