Once upon a time, I was at my friends house.

  • Once upon a time, I was at my friends house. While we were their, he informed me that when he wis bored, he likes to flex his nipples. I told him
  • that he'd been in a coma for eight years and that he should probably not talk at the committee hearing. I gave him 4 quarts of b12 straight into his jugular, he needed to be
  • present in order to give our share-holders a majority that day to prevent that Troglodyte Grossman from pushing through his merger proposal. Too bad Sheckly was hyped on B12 and
  • imported guava extract that had been tainted during shipment. Sheckly was normally a little zany but today he inexplicably teamed up with Grossman after we had specifically agreed
  • that coming within 15 square feet of Grossman would nullify the court order. That's when I knew something was up - Sheckly would never risk the payoff for the likes of him.
  • So Sheckly and I avoided the route we knew he would take, and setup the gear in back of Lou's dive. I was to be the stereotypical "Back-Door Man," while Sheck went around front.
  • "HELLO WOULD YOU LIKE TO BUY A NEW FRONT DOOR?" Sheck asked the resident. "HI DO YOU NEED A NEW BACK DOOR?" I called from the back door a second after. Our sales pitch was pitch
  • 'em once, pitch 'em twice and move in for the close! We were identical twins, never married, never lived apart from each other. Sheck and Shack Nelson. The door market was
  • Was a closed entrance to an open world, freedom that know one understood. For this door was the exit from the matrix and the entrance into reality. Goodbye bliss, you are ignorance
  • Never would he look upon the world with total comprehension. Never again would he be able to walk in and out of time itself. Never again would he view the world from the outside.


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