I sighed as I cracked my knuckles. I had

  • I sighed as I cracked my knuckles. I had been up all night writing my Judge Judy fan fiction. I was sure it was gonna be a big hit. The only thing left was to post it,
  • but I wasnt sure if it was ready. I mean, theres plenty of Judge Judy fanfiction, but mine was JUICY. See, there's this one scene with Judy in the bathroom, and she's taking a HUGE
  • case. I mean HUGE. Judge Judy had case flow management issues causing a major backlog. The plaintiff's mandate moved to recess. But the defendant wanted to rebut the arguments
  • . Judge Judy needed to drop the kids off at the pool so she evacuated through the back door. She backed one out of the parking lot but then remembered that she had to drop a bomb
  • in the toilet. Judge Judy hovered over the toilet. After all, it was doctors orders. After dropping the bomb with a nice plop she returned to the car to take the kids to swim cl
  • -uttered rivers of floating waste. Judge Judy had kept the receipts for the kid's swimsuits so that she could prove that she loved them in court if need be. Little Gary floated
  • right by her and then head for the falls. Judge Judy went running after him. The receipts for their suits would mean nothing if he drown. "Gary, grab this rope!" He reached out
  • For his own treatise on teeth in literature, as protection. Judge Judy grabbed the book and said, "Here is art!" as she proceeded to peruse this slim volume. The rope saved Gary's
  • Death Wish, to try again. Across the street, a green Nash sedan exhaled cigar smoke from the rear passenger side. Inside a woman, Sheila LaRue, and a Doofus Ambassador kept watch.
  • Watch, who inheritated that nickname from his father Big Clock Benny, resented being kept against his will, and using the old “Look over there!” trick, he escaped never to be seen


  1. LordVacuity Feb 14 2018 @ 20:08

    - again until Arbor Day.

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