Once upon a time, a teacher....

  • Once upon a time, a teacher....
  • was masturbating under the tables...
  • I was convinced, but really didn't want to verify it. It was like the time a guy sitting next to me on a transcontinental flight kept fumbling with "his remote" under the blanket
  • or the time I walked in on my dad while he was "wrestling" with the mailman. My life was a series of awkward encounters.
  • Man did that mailman look sweet all oiled up. If I try real hard I can still remember the look on my dads face as he pinned that oily man, veins popping out, grunting like a
  • pig searching through the dust. My dad was a strange man. I shook away from the hot-mailman-covered-in-oil reverie (with some reluctance) and told her to
  • take leave of this place henceforth and not return until a fortnight's fortnight had passedth. She pulled back her hair and gave me the witch's eye. Instantly, I
  • belched a horrific "God Laugh." The Witch's eye has always invoked deity laughter in me. But then I was overtaken by the Belch of Odin which when thrust upon the witch
  • made her relinquish the reins to Sleipnir. And Sleipnir wasn't happy to be joyridden all along Ragnarok when he had shelves to put up. He'd need all his extra limbs to get chores
  • done, especially the assembly of flat-pack furniture. As he started assemblig a Torpen-cabinet he whistled one of the melancholy dirges that he'd learned in Hel.


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