We started running after him, Alex, Stephen

  • We started running after him, Alex, Stephen and I. We just sprinted after him... He stole my wallet
  • and i cut him like a fish until he finally gave up my wallet
  • I looked down at the mess I'd created of him with the blade while trying to get my wallet back. Well that was something I didn't do often...
  • The police came. I couldn't afford to be arrested for the murder of
  • myself, or attempted murder or suicide or whatever. Prison is not what it was, it's not even what it is. In fact it may not even be what it will be and if I get put inside I'll nev
  • er be what I was if I had been who I COULD have become, who I was meant to be, if they hadn't put me into prison. Which isn't what it used to be either. So I reconsidered the deed.
  • I will do it. I have to get away from my past. I have to do my best to be who I CAN be now. Prison is changing and so am I,
  • I concentrated at the cinder block wall. If I squinted hard enough, I might just pass my atoms between the molecules. I took a running start. SLAM! (Still in jail.)
  • How would the great Houdini get out of a cinder walled jail with no window? His Wife's farewell kiss to smuggle the key! So I flirted with the Wardens wife, but her toothless grin
  • worried me because it meant my escape would require tonguing. Ugh! I did it, but it was the most frightening experience of my life. She had an aftertaste. Some magic...


  1. dingofolds63 Jun 02 2015 @ 00:35

    Arrested for the murder of one's self? The only person who would get arrested would be the one who drove you to doing the terrible deed.

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