The nurse opened the note it said, "Don't

  • The nurse opened the note it said, "Don't tell the surgeon but he's operating on a werewolf."
  • It's midnight and a full moon rises.The patient becomes restless and the anesthesiologist looks into the nurse's eyes.He knows!But how?The surgeon screams in terror while his guts
  • writhe about on the table & like a bloody snake wrap themselves around his neck. The surgeon took the expression "Doctor heal thyself" seriously, but his rogue guts were swallowing
  • him up. Soon there would be nothing left! "Nurse!" cried the surgeon, as he craned his neck to scour the room for assistance. The halls were nearly empty, since the zombie outbreak
  • danced the top doctor. You see, they'd decided if their top doc couldn't properly breakdance, then the clinic wasn't worth the prestige advertised. He was intently breakdance study
  • ing when the doorbell rang. Funny. He didn't remember ordering any pizza & it was too late for visitors. Top Doc peeped through the peep hole. It was...no, it couldn't be. Usher?
  • Top Doc opened the door. Usher?!! dog what are you doing here? But to his dismay it wasn't Usher it was the ghost of Tupac. "Toooooop Dooooc be waaaarned theeey'r coooming."
  • Tupac and his ghost stalked the club where he had last seen Usher. Top Doc said they needed to play possum then let the dogs out. 50 Cent arrived, unaware of their plans to
  • remove Tuesday from the calendar through international treaty. One of their party remarked something about being in love with the Cocoa. I can second that one. I, also, am in love
  • with CocaCola. Thursday and the entire month of March have also been blacklisted.


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