Eirin screamed while tears ran down her face.

  • Eirin screamed while tears ran down her face. 'Help...Please'. Another nightmare. She gets these often. James was asleep beside her, but didn't hear her.
  • In James' dream he had just thrown a charlatan at Missouri.
  • "Get out of my dreams" said James, "or I will send you on assignments that will involve impossible deadlines and rides on very scary elevators!" The intruder tried to explain
  • how he was new to the whole Inception thing, had yet to learn the ropes. But the intruder found navigating James' dream trickier than he had thought, and accidentally slipped on a
  • small macaroni pizza.
  • You may be thinking "like, um EWW! Macaroni on PIZZA???????" But trust me.
  • The most treasured delights in life are oftentimes the most unexpected. As such, I shall continue to spread the word on this glorious feast; macaroni pizza, a divine art.
  • Another devine culinary art is the mayo and peanut butter sandwich. That was invented in the 70s and was a common fad lasting though the 90s, mostly popular among the preteens.
  • However, what will eternally remain as the favorite of preteens is the pickled shrimp and zucchini soy sauce sandwich. All in all, the world of cuisine is quite
  • diverse.


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