This is a cool too for group collaboration

  • This is a cool too for group collaboration and story telling that I think...
  • Deep thoughts... why do I say "you too!" when people wish me Happy Birthday? Why do I have to buy 5 packs of hot dogs for my 4 packs of buns? What I didn't rinse and repeat?
  • The chickens are running wild, pecking all the kids' ankles.
  • The kids are running wild, pecking at the adults' ankles like chickens.
  • The adults never notice a thing. "How cute," they say. "How just like me."
  • They don't understand how unlike us they actually were. They can't even begin to realize the changes in our generations and how difficult we have it. We are not the same and never
  • will be. Us dingoes will never return to the ways of domestication and servitude. Our purpose is to roam free, and be who our ancestors always meant for us to be.
  • To be a dingo is a unique similar to being with minions at the holiday lighting ceremony. Stand up comedians understand this well. Dingoes formed a union and protected these rare
  • bits. Where was I? Ah, right. Johny Joogong, the boy raised by wild dogs in the Outback.
  • They say he got distemper or something and they had to put him down. They buried him out by his favorite tree, the one he killed by peeing on it too much. Not much of a story...


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