In a time of ancient gods, warlords, and

  • In a time of ancient gods, warlords, and kings, a man in turmoil cried out for a hero. She was
  • young and innocent. She knew of the city's need for a hero. Every time she closed her eyes to sleep, she could here their cries. Cristine's father died when she was two, but one
  • man had filled her father's place. Dr. Malgagna. He'd taken Cristine in, let her work in the lab. He was obsessed with intelligence. He'd given her a virus composed of brain
  • cells implanted with genetic codes for colds, and her thoughts had been stuffy ever since. Unbeknownst to her, Malgana had been siphoning and filtering her thoughts, selling those
  • mind boogers to hypnotists who sought resources for their craft. When the hypnotists realized, however, that Malgana's mind boogers contained the genetic code for colds, they wiped
  • off their contact lenses and decided to get down to work -- but only after each of them underwent discount Lasik treatment, provided as a benefit under the new company medical
  • penguin called Reg. Reg waddled onto the shop floor and ordered everyone onto the LASIK bus. Only employees with 20:20 vision would be allowed to pipe profiteroles with perfectly
  • Punctured lungs as bonus entries. Reg qualified because he smoked 555 brand cigarettes, from Vietnam. The merchant he went to became Huang The Robot, after lobotomies. What the
  • CIA hadn't told Reg, wast that the cigarette-smuggler was a spy too. The blueish filters contained information about the VietCong, the orange ones were
  • were made of fruity-chocolate;just like the ones he used to eat by the crate,back when he was still a boy.Playing pretend-spy.His eyes began to water up,as he hugged the smuggler.


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