That drunk Hrodgar & his troop are at it

  • That drunk Hrodgar & his troop are at it again. Listen to 'em.Completely off key. How's a troll to get any rest? I've had it.Gonna bash some heads up at mead Hall. Where's me club?
  • but the troll's club was gone. Instead, in its place was something he'd never seen before. It was a small box, with a sword like thing and a chain with teeth. A cord said, "Pull me
  • hard big boy." The troll pulled with all his power, straining and tensing every massive fiber of muscle in his body. Suddenly, a massive roar
  • sounded from behind him, and the fat troll burped up a snail shell. The noise came from the Billy Goat Gruff, whose horns had just been shined. We were saved! With a mighty punt,
  • he farted and made the world smell like all garbage in the world with rotten cheese. Then, a princess named John appeared. She was
  • pretty but she died after smelling the air. The garbage air decomposed her body and the world smelled worse.
  • This was indeed the ultimate Febreeze test. The camera crew readied themselves as actual people (not actors) were led, blindfolded, to the site of the decomposing body. "Ah! Smells
  • Like teen spirit to me", the director commented. The vultures waited patiently for their turn to finish the job. It was getting late, but they were night owls. So no one cared
  • , unless you happened to be a human, in that case, all the birds there would be disappointed with you. Staring at them long enough, it looks like a game of Hatoful Boyfriend.
  • another story massacred by Adolph


  1. Chaz Mar 17 2016 @ 09:37

    Ike, get off the mike.

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