Lasers have built a sand castle in my dying

  • Lasers have built a sand castle in my dying room. It got hit by lightning and became a glass castle, inside of which I now reside. Its geometries allow only one movement: sideways.
  • Me and my twin brother have to synchronize our movements.When the laser lights play among the interstices & hit the pockets of Nobel gases the ceiling glows like Aurora Borealis
  • and that's our cue to show our moves. Not every club has dancing twins as the main act on Fridays. My brother and I don't do it for the money ofcourse, we know
  • how to arouse all the old men in the club, and we did it for the fun of it. My brother had taken off his shirt, so I did the same. The old men were hooting at this point. We danced
  • on the poles with skill and expertise. One of the old men wasn't so old though. I looked in shock when I realized he was a former classmate of mine, watching me pole dance. How did
  • his eyes not dry up from non-blinking. I started booty clapping like a paddle wheel on speed to create a wind to force him to blink. But my classmate just watched me pole dance
  • without even flinching. Disappointed, started doing the tango with him. He still didn't blink. I growled and threatened to punch him in the face if he didn't blink. Now my knuckles
  • will never win a beauty contest but they are good at what they were made for and that is for punching the face of any mook who ain't got the Friday take. And your ass ain't dancing
  • To the music of DJ Snow at the Axis Club until 3am unless you are drunk. And you know what to drink - our homemade saki. Brewmaster Jack knows exactly what he is doing when mixing
  • this saki. Oh man. This saki will end the world one day. It will! And before you fall asleep in your drunken stupor, just think: one day, it will all come down to this saki.


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