En un pais lejano, vivia un ogro muy malo

  • En un pais lejano, vivia un ogro muy malo que mantenia preso a toda persona o animal que pasaba por su cueva.
  • El ogro mantuvo sus prisioneros para la compañía y para aprender lenguas extranjeras. Un preso era un inglés y cada día me dijo "I say Mr. Ogre, i could do with a spot of tea and
  • two lumps of....ooooooh wait a minute, I'm not falling for that Mr. Ogre. I'll just have the tea."
  • the tea was not very appealing to me, so i told the waiter "in two days tomorrow will be yesterday and it has something to do with everything."
  • im confused
  • We're all confused. Of course, those who believe they are not confused are the most mistaken. Take heart & carry on with whatever line life gives you & never admit your ignorance.
  • Now you must not! For if people learn of your weaknesses... Surely, they will use them to kill you!
  • Survival of the most prepared is guaranteed if one does not let others weaponise your weaknesses. Beware of popular culture and its excesses. Live as healthy a life as possible.
  • "... and slowly welcome yourself back to the world," my yoga instructor said as we opened our eyes and reconvened to the present. Sure, my mantras were unconventional, but
  • I never would have expected to feel so murderous after a yoga session. A few glances around the room told me that I was not alone. I restrained myself and left that nonsense.


  1. SlimWhitman Sep 03 2016 @ 06:25

    Folds 1 and 2 In a distant country lived a very bad ogre that kept any person or animal passing by his cave a prisoner. The ogre kept his prisoners for company and to learn foreign languages. One prisoner was an Englishman and every day he'd say "I say Mr. Ogre, i could do with a spot of tea and

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