From the deep within the shadows, a man had

  • From the deep within the shadows, a man had stepped forward. Cruel were his intentions, but even crueler was his fate. His footsteps rapped accross the grainy asphalt.
  • He ran as a 10 year old would after seeing a piece of candy, so yummy, he thought. The man had said, "if you get in the van I'll give you candy. So he ran to steal the man's candy.
  • It was, of course, not candy at all, but cough drops. However, the cough drops were delicious and cherry flavored. The boy was elated with his very wise decision.
  • So delicious were the cough drops that one could almost believe that they were truly candy. Just another lesson that crime does pay...in delicious cough drops.
  • Oh sweet cough drops, why must you allude me! your sweet swirly center drags at the soreness with numb, prickling fingers of cough drop deliciousness.
  • That's it. I now will only uses Lofthouse's Fisherman's Friend. With that solved I switched to the real thorn in my side. No really, I was sitting on my wife's roses.
  • I took off my shirt & laid on the bed. I sucked hard on my fisherman's friend as my wife extracted the long curved rose thorn from my side. She held it up to light and the drop of
  • water falling from the tap in the bathroom slowed in reverence. "Did it hurt, darling?" asked my wife, tossing the thorn into a metal bowl. My mouth was too full to answer and I ha
  • ve to admit that I didn't know what to say really. Of course it hurt, I mated with a cactus, why would my wife ask if it hurt? I would get her back for putting that acid in my coff
  • -in. How dare she attempt to murder me, Count Chocula, the dark prince of breakfast cereal! Not to mention that acid is ineffective against chocolate vampires. Just wait, my dear..


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