Crewcuts were in then. In a major way. Back

  • Crewcuts were in then. In a major way. Back then I was slapping people, slapping them silly I tell you. I was a Najor Force, the Major Domo of some super freaky
  • freedom fighters guild. I was born with extra wide, webbed palms, which gave me the ability to slap evil-doers silly. With my military gear strapped all about me, I planned to sa
  • -ck Rome and conquer Italy before breakfast. Around lunchtime, I would take over Germany, Spain and Portugal, and by dinner I'd be ready to blow up Greenland.
  • Life for Attila the Hun and his ravaging Mongolian hordes was go, go, go. They were so successful because they rode supercharged ponies fed on the entrails of the conquered and oat
  • Cakes they received as gifts. Life was getting better now the collective farms were in full bloom and producing heirloom tomatoes, serrano peppers and sweet peppers. Meat too.
  • It was rather scarce though. Whatever they were lucky enough to find. Ferrets, stoats, rabbits, possum..even the occasional honey badger, believe it or not.
  • The black ratel, that musky mustelid, was on our good eats list. True to its name, smothered in the buzzy treacle, a bit of furr not withstanding, a tasty treat. A "khrya-ya-ya.
  • ", as my Ya-ya used to refer to really yummy things. Good old Ya-ya, there in the kitchen cooking up some kind of rodent for us, and somehow making it wonderful. For dessert she
  • stuffed crickets into sugar bread and made jellyfish jelly no tentacles included. Ya-Ya's whatever you can scrounge menu was second only to the menu at Alice's Restaurant. My mouth
  • watered just at the thought of Flo's Kissed Grits. Anyway when Alice died they added her ashes to to the menu as a joke so than now your can get anything you want including Alice.


  1. Rebbie May 23 2017 @ 13:46

    OMG, Futique too funny! Literrally laughing out loud.

  2. SlimWhitman May 23 2017 @ 16:04

    Yeah, me too. Mel would approve.

  3. LordVacuity May 23 2017 @ 17:06

    I have no idea what happened to my ability to punctuate or spell on this one.

  4. Rebbie May 23 2017 @ 18:29

    Stream of consciousness, it's all the rage right now.

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