There was a blue breeze. The river was quietter

  • There was a blue breeze. The river was quietter than ever. The trees near the river were flirting with the wind, dancing in the sunshine...The girl, naked, was standing in the
  • near the river's edge. She stared up at the dragon looming over her. This wasn't her tradition, her tribe didn't believe in human sacrifice.
  • They did, however, believe in dragon sacrifice, particularly when they dragon was all bearing down and shnizzle. Snoop Dragony Dragonn swooped skyward, then plunged towards her
  • And ate her head in one fell swoop. There was blood everywhere. The vultures digested her brain cells and fed them to their offspring. The fledglings were well trained by now.
  • All except one: Twigs. On the outside, Twigs was indeed a vulture, but inside... Twigs knew within days of hatching that he was a vegetarian. Oh, he tried to fight it, but
  • he just gagged & regurgitated the bony remains of carrion. He got little down, hence the name Twigs. The others regarded him with suspicion. Who ever heard of a vegan vulture?
  • "We all did, just now when you brought it up just now for some reason. What does a vegan vulture have to do with the Water Use Projections? Tom, are you having another episode? We
  • ..." but Tom's episode had become so surreal by that time, that he didn't hear the rest of the sentence. He just saw a pair of lips recede into the sky over a desert. A vulture
  • swooped in from the sky and grabbed him by the shoulders as if he was taking him further into the hallucination. Tom saw the gates to
  • MIchael Jackson's NeverLand estate. "Well, that's actually not that odd, considering." He thought. Whether hallucination or dream, things could be worse. So, he just enjoyed it.


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