If I was an omnipotent entity, having an

  • If I was an omnipotent entity, having an extensive command over time and space, the first thing I would do would be
  • to slaughter sheep of humanity in a chaotic Apocalypse. Spread disease and death with wild abandon without discrimination. After the carnage unfolds
  • there will be cake and ice cream. Every party should end with cake and ice cream, even the Apocalypse, thought Beelzebub. Gift bags would consist of
  • cans of beer, deodorant sticks, safety pins, and noise makers. You know those tin cans you spin. Lots of noise makers to scare off the bears. The bears would come for the ice cream
  • . It suddenly dawned on me that I should go to place like California instead. I'm sure there are plenty of surgically-enhanced women there that are just waiting to
  • pin me to the wall and interogate me in silico so to speak. So I loaded up the car & I moved to Beverly, Hills she had and a swimming pool too! But I couldn't get near her cause Pa
  • mela was so overprotective of her. I would call her and chat to her when she was free, but that was just about all I got to hear of her. She said it was quite lonely living like
  • a whore at the monastery. Business was pretty bad. She sniffled. I advised her to go back to school to finish her psychology degree. She'd be a great counselor, after all she'd bee
  • n a barmaid which is great training for listening to people bang on about stuff at length. She finished her psychology degree and set up as a counsellor specialising in alcohol
  • therapy. You can make an appointment with her down at the pub. It's pretty convenient, actually. Cheers!


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