One day this little girl went outside to

  • One day this little girl went outside to play in the snow. She first had to make a snowman. Then she had to have a snowball fight. The little girl was digging in the snow and found
  • a magical key. She knew the key was magical because a beam of light cascaded from the end of it. The girl knew the key would open something special. In the snow was
  • a mound with a a light coming from an icy window. The wind blew snow from the top. As she approached, Lucy realized it was a house made of snow. She grasped the scintillating key
  • and unlocked the door to the snow house. The light glowed eerily from behind the icy wall of the bedroom. Lucy shut the front door, and slowly crept down the hall. As she entered
  • the snow bathroom, she began to regret the whole "eco-friendly snow house" idea. The toilet lid was made of ice! But she really had to go. Then she would confront whomever -- or
  • whatever was melting the ice house with its breath. In a bracing moment she squatted on the solid-ice toilet seat, peed & used the last spritz to free her cheek-skin from its froz
  • en state of adhesion. Feeling refreshed, she threw open an ice window. The Thing blew in a warm wind, melting the window, frame & sill, and the mirror, shower rod & curtain too.
  • "I guess that's a wash," she quipped. Suddenly, a chill! Her frenzied shivers drew the sympathy of The Thing, who crept into the newly-made crevasse
  • that soon collapsed due to more collateral explosive power from an EPA operation nearby. She didn't have to worry about The Thing anymore, where there is death, there is life.
  • Or was that backwards? If we die...we eventually...live? That doesn't sound right. Doubt about the fate of The Thing began to seep into her heart...just as the EPA had planned.


  1. bearshoes84 Jan 15 2016 @ 11:00

    A complex allegory of government intervention.

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