Bam! In a panic, Manda jumped 3 feet off

  • Bam! In a panic, Manda jumped 3 feet off of the cracked, tiled floor as Beatrice stormed in to the kitchen.
  • Beatrice began to cook dinner furiously, making all manner of culinary delights while Manda the cat paced around trying to get what food it could. Beatrice's man wouldn't tolerate
  • lactose so he was lactose intolerant. He had bad gas because Beatrice made dishes with a ton of cheese. This combo made life for Manda the Cat severely
  • crippled. Yes, you could say the smell permeated her brain to the extent of making her numb. So, she stumbled around the house all day licking excess milk off the floor.
  • Until the door bell rang and she was so startled that she threw up all the milk and had to start over...but there was no point on crying over spilled milk,so she went to see who it
  • was. The UPS men had some packages to deliver in their cute little brown shorts. She wished at that moment, however, that she hadn't thrown up milk down the front of her top.
  • The spit up milk soaked through to her bra and she could feel her face turning a bright crimson. The UPS men just handed her the packages and asked her to
  • deliver them to the basement of the parliamentary building. She wondered why the UPS driver wore a Guy Fawkes mask -- and if the puked milk in her bra would eventually curdle.
  • KABOOM!! She shot up into the air in the massive explosion. She hovered above the Thames for a second & plummeted into the massive crater where the Houses of Parliament had been
  • . With the Parliament dissolved, the Queen dove into her underground bunker and geared up for action in her Iron Monarch Mech suit. As long as there is a Queen there is an England!


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