Dear Sir, I write this to inform you succinctly

  • Dear Sir, I write this to inform you succinctly of your ill-temper and unsavory manner of speech. As you know, My English Dandy Club membership outranks your Drill Sergeant's strip
  • . It is in the best interest of all parties involved that Marine recruits should be allowed high teas, doilies and absolutely capital tri-cornered hats. As a Drill Sergeant, you
  • 've got to hold their attention as if they're at a Kournikova-Sharapova Finals. I can tell you I'm at attention just thinking about it. If the troops still aren't paying attention
  • then we're all doomed for sure.
  • Eustanov was always uttering gloomy predictions like this, but this time it seemed that he was right. He lightened up visibly at the prospect. The bulldozer moved toward our
  • garden, but the gas shortage was severe. It stalled and Eustanov had a short time to contemplate his prophetic utterings realizing quickly that being right matters little when
  • you are nearly out of gas in the Nevada desert with no water with you. Being right did nothing for his thirst and having a vivid imagination was only making it worse, Eustanov
  • was a fool, but a wise fool. You are nothing." I choked on my thirst-fuelled delusions, forests of limbs rising from the sand, my car growing legs and ears and eating the top of my
  • top, revealing my braless breasts. I was exposed, both literally and figuratively and the limbs reached up to tweak me, while I wildly batted at the sandy claws. Sandy claws?
  • Sorry, that should be Sandy's claws. Sandy had gorgeous nail extensions. My bare breastedness did not raise an eyebrow as equal opportunity laws allowed women to go topless too.


  1. 49erFaithful Dec 07 2012 @ 12:53

    Ah, Christmas in the south of France...

  2. SlimWhitman Dec 07 2012 @ 16:39

    Crowded topless beaches?

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