He picked up the twenty fifth anniversary

  • He picked up the twenty fifth anniversary issue of the Whole Earth Review. There was a sheaf of pages stuffed in at page 70. All concerning "The Wave" - Fascism in public school.
  • Old hat he thought. What we needed was a new place to insert Fascism. He thought long and hard and decided, we need fascism at playgrounds!
  • But that would be redundant cause most kids these days are tiny Mussolinis.Fascism would have to return at some other haven.
  • Frankly I think we should put a ban on all existentialism. Don't you agree? And if you don't agree, I'll have you thrown in jail. People need to learn democracy the hard way.
  • I didn't realize a crowd had gathered around me as I ranted. Turning, I finally noticed how quietly angry the village people looked. I felt the first rock hit the back of my head.
  • It became a algaelike mass of green goo that richoched off me and onto the zombie behind me, who screamed, "I am going blind!" Dr. Footinthemouth yelled
  • get him to ER Stat! I watched two zombies bring in a gurney & put the zombie with ocular trauma onto a stretcher, but when they lifted him their arms fell off. Dr. Footinthemouth
  • saw the ocular trauma-patient's eyes pop out, literally. "Nnngh ... Nurse! Get him to the ER now!" The zombie nurse's arms were gone so she resorted to pushing the gurney with
  • her chest. As during her life the zombie nurse had undergone multiple augmentation surgeries, the gurney kind of got away from her. Rolling by itself down the corridor, it ran over
  • A severed leg once belonging to her ex lover. A tear broke free from her eye as the memories of her past raced through her mind. He told her he could never be with someone like


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