I lost things.

  • I lost things.
  • The
  • End. Or was it just the beginning? Perhaps instead it was simply the start of a new chapter in life. What is the end of something is also the start of another. So, let us commence
  • to the scene of the accident. That's it folks. You can all go home. There's nothing here to see. Stop your rubbernecking. Move along now, move along. DON'T TOUCH THAT! Boom.
  • The section of earth could be seen by the aliens outside the orbit. They came quickly and
  • they came purposefully, they came in great numbers, gathering silently for the invasion of this section of Earth. Descended in their myriad spacecraft landing on the Wallmart roof
  • they came in hoards to abduct the people with poor taste who shopped there and perform experiments on their minds. Within hours, the little aliens made it onto peopleofwalmart.com
  • And hijacked the website, renaming it dogs of walmart. Being cats, these little aliens were hired as greeters at walmart to replace humans. They did work for free. The savings were
  • only damp spots in the kitty litter and those, at least, were disposed of regularly. Not so the red ink the company was bleeding out to keep the regulators happy. Something would
  • have to start stinking pretty badly before that would be cleared up. But it was up to someone with a stronger stomach than most. This looked like a job for the Tidy Bowl Man.


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