Stepping from the deep pit she yells "I think

  • Stepping from the deep pit she yells "I think I found an ancient salt mine!" Damn, he thought, there goes our plan to raze Romania for the cross-europe nuclear pipeline. "Shut up!"
  • he yelled in frustration. There was only one thing for it. He carefully lowered the lid of the hole and secured the catch. "now where did I put those car keys" he thought as he
  • was launched 30 ft into the air by the explosion, which in turn severed his arms and legs from his torso. "won't be needing those car keys now", he thought languidly as
  • he landed in a particularly thorny holly bush. A passing dog swished its tail & kindly retrieved each of his limbs. The oddest thing then happened, the dog grew
  • infinitesimally larger, and he could actually see it happen. Somehow the loss of his limbs had sharpened his senses such that he could
  • track his prey like a snake, licking the air, tasting skin and heat molecules, he rolled down the wild animal trail, on the heels of a grizzly bear, without his limbs
  • he slithered briskly through the underbush. He finally caught up to the bear. Limbless, he didn't have a weapon to catch the grizzly. Which is why he called an airstrike.
  • and killed the ghastly creature for it was truly annoying Sir Kickesatlot who had no more limbs to climb the tower covered in thorns to get his beloved teddy bear named
  • freddy krueger.....
  • and... wait for it Jason Voorhees. Yes these 2 icons of horror we indeed the driving force behind the reformed horror film characters support group.


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