I ran, sweat pouring out of all my pores

  • I ran, sweat pouring out of all my pores and above the sounds of my gasps for air I could hear the howling cries of the dogs. It occurred to me I had to make some effort to disguis
  • e my stuffed fishnet of pudgy quadriplegic cats I was rushing to the vet. "Moo, don't meow," I urged the cats, placing them in a Gateway box. The dogs were frozen by cowardice, so
  • I was able to stack them like milk crates. With my fat quadriplegic cats and frozen dogs loaded in the Uhaul truck, I was ready. I stopped for some pepperoni sticks at the
  • Quik Stop and stopped outside as I saw a trio of kids skate past the truck. I tensed as i wondered if they could smell my payload but then laughed at myself. It's been too short of
  • a time since I last rubbed one out, so no regrets. I smiled casually at the passing skateboarders, hoping they would not notice the evidence of my
  • vigorous manual friction, as their stinky blunts blocked out the smell of my masculine odor. I sat there for a long day, watching Tone Hawk-wannabes, sipping Mt. Dew until sunset.
  • By then I was both bored & totally amped with Mt. Dew-infused energy coursing through my veins. I would show these Tone Hawk wannabes how it's done. $park handed me a mike.
  • This was open mike night at the Kat Klub. I had poetry to read, due to be published soon. This was a sneak preview of my.book. I would return here to autograph copies for my fans.
  • "Morning. Sun. Love. Hate. Terror. Darkness. Night," I recited, slamming my fist onto the stage floor. (It was slam poetry after all). My fans applauded and cheered. Critics though
  • flat palmed my lyrical dirge. I read the reviews on the alley walls of the condemned building where I performed it."Clives poems Lacks Dirt" "Too many long words". These anonymous


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