Ah June...the month of endless love and endless

  • Ah June...the month of endless love and endless weddings. I wiped my eyes as I watched Laura & Tim, the new Mr. & Mrs., turn from the altar, then walk hand & hand down the aisle.
  • "Yeah, I tapped that" I mumbled, when the gramma of the groom wondered what I said. "I TAPPED that, BOTH of them." I was sick of this wedding. I was with both of them 3 days ago,
  • and before you ask, yes the groom was better in the bedroom than the bride. The groom's gramma was obviously judging me, but I headed back up to the bar for another Old Fashioned
  • Donut which to me are the best. The Groom's Grandma followed me. She watched as I dunked my donut, again, and again, and again. The rest of the wedding could be damned.
  • The groom burst in carrying the profiterole tower and dumped it on the bride's head. He took a heavy fruit cake & ground it into my face, but I wouldn't stop dunking my donut
  • Because there was more coffee coming every five minutes. Finally I said that I had enough already. I left and went home. The groom was flummoxed by it all but understood. He had
  • been married several times before and had a previous wife who did not tolerate the never-ending coffee cycle. I prepared a cup of tea and then another and another, slowly filling
  • up with the delicious warmth of my special English breakfast. I remember my ex always waking me up with a cup of tea to start out my day. It made me miss her, but then again, I'd
  • always have bad thoughts while drinking that tea. She always brought out the worst in me...why did I even let her in my mind. She is so infuriating. Last week, she
  • was not only in my mind, but in my spleen as well. When I vented my spleen she was gone for a while. I almost missed her.


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